Permanent Makeup

Pre-Care Instructions:

Sun Exposure:

Avoid sun/tanning 1 week prior to service


NO alcohol/caffeine 24 hours prior to service (this will prevent any excess bleeding, oozing, and minimize swelling during service)


DO NOT take Aspirin, Fish Oil, Niacin, Vitamin E and/or Ibuprofen unless medically necessary, 3 days prior to service.

Discontinue Glycolic, Chemical Peels, and Retin-A 4 weeks prior

Refrain from use of any Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) products close to the eyebrow area 2 weeks prior and 1 week after your services

Check your moisturizer, face wash, BB or CC creams and makeup primers to anything that says acid

You have to be off any kind of Accutane or Acne Meds for 1 year NO EXCEPTIONS!


No brow waxing or tinting 1 week before

No hair growth serums on brows (discontinue for minimum of 3 weeks before and after)

If there are any open wounds, pimples, or bruises, or any other skin irritations on the area; please wait for them to be completely healed before attending the schedule appointment. Please contact immediately if rescheduling is necessary due to this matter.

No facials or chemical peels 1 week prior to the service

If there are any exfoliation products at home, please use on the brow 1 weeks prior to appointment for the skin to take the pigment easily during procedure.

Menstural Cycle:

You will be more sensitive during your menstrual cycle.


If you get fillers, they should be done 6 weeks prior to your service or done 6 weeks after procedure.

If you use Botox, it should be performed 2 week prior to your serviced or 2 weeks after.

If you've had any cosmetic surgical procedures done on the face area, please wait 3 months to fully heal prior to the service.

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After-Care Instructions

Do's and Don'ts

Gently blot the area with clean tissue every 5 minutes or as needed until the oozing has stopped

Keep the area dry for 24 hours then apply a thin layer of ointment 3 times a day.

Use shields when showering and gently wash brows with mild soap twice a day.

Do not use a washcloth, pick or scratch tattoo area

Do not use steam, suana, swimming for 10 days

Do not put makup on tattoo are for 10 days

No heavy sweaty exercise for 1 week

Avoid the sun for 1 week. Wear a hat if need to be out in sun.

Avoid facials, chemical peels, or laser treatments until fully healed.